When Constipation is not Relieved by a Diet High in Fiber

On average, forty-two million people, a staggering fifteen percent, of Americans have constipation. The definition of constipation is having less than three movements of the bowels in a seven day period. Hard, dry, and small stools are also known as constipation, the main cause is a lack of fiber intake. It stands to reason that the first step in correcting this problem is to take in more fiber. If you have been adhering to a diet high in fiber and you continue to suffer from constipation you have several more things you can try.


Does Fiber Really Stop Constipation?Unless you consume the right amount of liquids, fiber won’t work for you. Soups, fruit juices, and water need to be consumed in order for the fiber to plump up and work in the digestive tissues, making it effective in moving fecal matter through the intestines. Dehydration relates directly to constipation. Your body draws water from your digestive tract when you fail to consume enough liquids to keep you hydrated. Stools become more difficult to pass as the colon dehydrates. The quantity of fluid your body needs depends on several factors; level of activity, personal history, and health effect how much liquid you should consume. Liquids such as teas and water should be taken in the amount of at least sixty-four ounces each day.


Still suffering from constipation after getting enough fiber as well as water? Add some omega-3 fatty acids. These oils lubricate intestines, making stools much easier to move through the system. Fish oil is the strongest source of these oils. Flax and hemp oils are good sources for omega-3 oils as well. Foods which contain omega-3 oils are halibut, sardines, salmon, soybeans, walnuts, and flax seeds.


Does Fiber Really Stop Constipation?Relieving constipation relies of what type of foods and liquids you consume and how you do that. A regular schedule of times you eat will help your digestive process normalize, this may help you to move your bowels every day around a general time frame as the colon is stimulated by the process of eating. Going to the bathroom, anywhere between fifteen and forty-five minutes after breakfast, and spending some time in there is a good idea. Make sure you have time to go.

One should never ignore an urge to evacuate their bowels as this can make matters with constipation worse.


So you’ve tried it all, the lifestyle changes, the diets, the exercise, and still have issues with constipation.  Your physician may tell you to use a laxative, they can provide fast relief, although temporary, from constipation, though they are no real solution to constipation which is chronic. The safest of the laxatives are ones that absorb water and form bulk, making the stool a bit softer and more comfortable to pass. Stimulants are another type of laxative. Muscle contractions along the digestive tract along with stool softeners that add moisture to hard stools making them effortless to pass, combine to help relieve constipation using this type of laxative.

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