Slow-Transit Constipation and Diets for It

Infrequent movements of the bowels is known as constipation. Abnormalities in the enteric nerves of the large intestine can cause a condition called slow-transit constipation. This causes the intestinal muscle coordination to become impaired. With two or less bowel movements in a seven day period, people suffering from slow-transit constipation now have options on how to treat this disorder. A diet which is high in fiber is generally recommended as a way to combat this problem. Of course one should always check with their personal physician before changing their dietary habits, especially if they know they already have this condition as the condition may worsen.

What amount of fiber do you need

Diet for Improving Bowel TransitWith this disorder it is recommended to get plenty of fiber, twenty-five to thirty grams every day, generally speaking however the needs of individuals can differ as age as well as gender play a role. While women usually need around twenty-five grams of fiber every day, men need much more, at thirty-eight grams. The need for the amount of fiber you need to ingest decreases with age. If you do decide to increase the fiber you consume, transition slowly, increase the amounts over a number of weeks or your digestive system can be exacerbated if too much is taken in too quickly.

Fiber in Food

Different foods contain fiber. Seeds, whole grains and nuts have fiber, vegetables, fruits and beans also contain adequate amounts of fiber. Over four grams is considered to be an excellent source. You can find kidney beans, artichokes, raspberries, and cereals which are high in fiber, all have four grams. When food has between one and three grams of fiber they are considered good sources of fiber. Some of these foods are crackers, cauliflower, plums, broccoli, almonds, and whole wheat bread.

Fiber and Fluids

Diet for Improving Bowel TransitFluid is so important when you are increasing fiber to a diet, it will improve how your body deals with fiber in your system. The fluid aids your digestive system in managing the extra fiber, helping to prevent any discomfort you might experience without it. Age, climate, and gender all affect how much fluid your personal body needs. The general recommendation is eight, eight ounce glasses of water each day, but in certain cases your body may require up to fifteen glasses each day.

Other forms of fluid that are fine to drink include tea and broths with low amounts of sodium. Watermelon as well as other vegetables and fruits with a high content of water are also acceptable forms.

Meals with fiber in them

Breakfast is a great time to enjoy the fibrous cereals and breads with whole grains in them, adding fresh fruit gives your start to the day another welcome boost. At lunch try some soup then add in a few beans. Give vegetables the main stage at dinner, and add whole grain starches like brown rice. For a snack before bed have a whole grain cracker with a bit of dried fruit on top.

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